

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor of 剧院

    史黛西老眼昏花 joined Carthage’s faculty as director of the dance minor and assistant adjunct professor of theatre in 2009. 她的学位是B.F.A. in dance performance from Southern Methodist University, an M.A. in dance education from the State University of 纽约 College at Brockport, and an M.F.A. in dance from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Before coming to Carthage, she was a faculty member at Ball State University (2007-2008), and co-directed Riverbend Dance 艺术, a nonprofit dance school in Hastings, 明尼苏达州. (1999-2004). Her work has included a variety of interdisciplinary projects and collaborations with composers, 音乐家, video animators and teaching professionals of varying subjects. She continues to pursue opportunities to develop as a dance artist and draws inspiration from such experiences to share with her students.

    Ms. Pottinger has performed professionally since 1996. She has worked with many independent dance artists and companies based in 明尼苏达州esota, 纽约, Wisconsin and beyond. She performed with the Christopher Watson Dance Company (1996-2009), Biodance (2006-2007), Kinetic Evolutions Dance Company (2009), the City Children’s Nutcracker (1997-1998), and has worked with internationally known artists including Bill Evans and Juanita Suarez. Her choreographic work has been presented in venues up and down the United States, including the McKinney Avenue Contemporary Theater in Dallas, Texas; the Image Movement Sound Festival in Rochester, N.Y.; the Forum in Jonesboro, Ark.; and the 明尼苏达州esota Fringe Festival. Her work “Collapsible Man” was adjudicated and selected for the gala concert at the American College Dance Festival in Athens, 俄亥俄州(2006), and she was featured as a guest choreographer for the University of Wisconsin-River Falls dance concert in 2009.

    Ms. Pottinger is a co-recipient of numerous grants including the 明尼苏达州esota Metropolitan Regional 艺术 Council (MRAC) Small Grants/社区 艺术 (2000-2004); Target Foundation Special Projects Grants (2000-2004); the Hastings, 明尼苏达州., Youth First Mini-Grant (2000); and a Global Interdependence and Cultural Diversity Grant (2006) from the Brockport Better 社区 Organization. She is also a recipient of the SUNY College at Brockport Graduate Student 校友 Award (2006-2007), the National Dance 教育 Organization (NDEO) Elsa Posey Student Scholarship (2005), and The Dawn and Jacques Lipson, M.D. award in Performing 艺术 (2005). She was the SUNY College at Brockport Dance Department’s Princess Grace Award Nominee in 2006. She has presented at NDEO conferences and has instructed master classes at the American College Dance Festival and at the Perpich Center for 艺术 教育 in 明尼苏达州esota.

    bv伟德ios下载. Pottinger was artistic director for the 2010 dance production “Higher Altitudes,” and she coordinated the College’s first student dance concert, “Away from the Mirror.” Her credits at Carthage also include choreography featured in the 剧院 Department productions “Lysistrata” (2009); “If You Say So …” (2007); “Collapsible Man” (2006); “Broken-Down Graffiti Train” (2010); and the staging and coaching of Pearl Primus’ “Bushasche Etude” (2003), all of which were presented in the “Higher Altitudes” dance concert.

    Ms. Pottinger is presently rehearsing dance works by Cynthia Gutierrez-Garner, 冬青Jaycox, Angie Yetzke and Kate Digby, which will be performed in July 2010 at the Peck School of the 艺术 and as part of the Danceworks Inc. 夏天 DanceLab系列 在密尔沃基. She teaches Modern and Jazz Technique, Introduction to Dance and Improvisation, and Dance History.

    • B.F.A. — Dance performance, Southern Methodist University
    • M.A. — Dance education, State University of 纽约 College at Brockport
    • M.F.A. — Dance, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    • THR 1041 Applied Dance: Ballet I
    • THR 1044 Applied Dance: Jazz I
    • THR 1120 Introduction to Dance and Improvisation
    • THR 3050 Dance History

    DanceLAB 2010 — July 16-17, 2010
Presented by The DanceLAB and UWM Dance Department.  Dancemakers 2010 — July 30-31, 2010
Presented by the Peck School of the 艺术 Dance Department, a collection of work by Dance MFA students.